Election post


Hello! I'm Ethan, a member of UCL Volleyball Society. I recently achieved a long-term goal of mine: hitting a jump-serve. My goal as HEVO is to help everyone to achieve their own goals. To do this, I would implement the following changes:


1. Catered sessions

Everybody has a different goal in volleyball. Some play to have fun. Some play to one day join a team. By having a clear goal for each session, be it to play games or to train, everyone will get the most out of the sessions.


2. Constant improvement

The best ideas will come from you, our members. Feedback forms will allow us to improve our sessions for you.


3. Chill games

Social games with other universities is a good chance to meet new people and experience game scenarios (and who doesn't want to beat KCL).


The last year has been a blast playing in the volleyball society. Next year, more goals will be met and more fun will be had. As HEVO, I will always be there to support everyone on and off the court. Let's spike more balls together!