Election post


As a member of Tech Soc who has experienced first-hand the remarkable impact that the society has created, I am running for Treasurer to ensure that this impact is not only sustained but broadened in the next academic year. My three major goals as Treasurer would be to oversee the responsible and smart handling of the society's finances, maximize opportunities for current members and attract new ones by maintaining the quality of our events. Additionally, direct funds towards new, innovative and sustainable initiatives that will benefit students during and beyond the academic year.

To accomplish these goals, I would meticulously budget and liaise with the Sponsorship Director and rest of the committee to facilitate smooth relationships with sponsors. This would also involve careful review and any necessary adjustments to the society’s spending, as well as seeking new sources of income. Having served as Head of Events on UCL's Connected Society committee, as well as organised various group and family events, I have experience with creating budgets and managing finances. Additionally, working as a Transition Mentor, undertaking several internships, group projects and a part-time role as a chef, I am well-accustomed to working in a team, being accountable and meeting deadlines, and possess incredible organizational and time management skills.

I hope that you will join me in making the Technology Society a driver of greater innovation, opportunity and excellence at UCL!