Election post


I passionately believe in the power of technology to create positive change.

Firstly, accessibility and inclusivity are at the heart of my vision. Technology transcends borders and backgrounds; it should be accessible to all. Therefore, I will focus on facilitating skill-building workshops and mentorship programs for members at all levels, aiming to foster a diverse and inclusive society that values everyone's contribution.

In an era of constant technological advances, it's crucial we stay ahead. I am committed to securing guest lectures and workshops from leading figures in the industry, providing our members with real-world insights, and opportunities for networking and internships.

Thirdly, I aim to strengthen our community through regular meetups, hackathons, and tech challenges. These events will not only foster camaraderie, but also spur creativity and problem-solving skills, preparing us all for future careers in technology.

Finally, I want to focus on social responsibility. As future tech leaders, we must understand the impact of our work on society. To this end, I propose organizing discussions and forums on ethical considerations in technology to ensure we approach our work with empathy and responsibility.

I am confident that together, we can make the UCL Technology Society a beacon of technological prowess, a nurturing community, and a platform for responsible tech leadership.