Election post


Houston, we have a nomination. Hey there! I'm Shourya and I've been a fanatic about space ever since I can remember. I drove this crazy fanaticism into a space-blog, a popular astrophysics podcast and now a degree in astrophysics.

I have an experience in society leadership, having been the treasurer of the Space Society, the PR officer for the Literature Club of my city and an editor for our local Journal of Physics and Space Sciences. I pursue an astrophysics degree and intend to pursue space outreach and comm., which strongly relate to the heart of this society. My astrophilia has driven me 7,120 kms across the globe, and if elected, I would make sure that pays off by helping enable my fellow members to derive the same pleasure out of the cosmos that I do.

UCLSS was the first society I joined at UCL, and one I was most excited for. If elected, my priority for the club would be to increase its outreach and recognition. Space is unarguably a most intriguing science, and one that is most-loved. This can propel the society's popularity hugely, only if proper outreach and communication is ensured. My second aim would be to plan, organize and execute a series of events. You can know more about these in my manifesto.

I would also request you to have a look at my detailed plans and would appreciate it if I were to be contacted for my detailed manifesto, or to be asked any questions about my nomination. You can find me at: [email protected]. Thanks!