Election post


Hey! I'm a second-year History student, and I am nominating myself for the position of welfare officer of the Society for Global Prosperity. This is my second time running for this role, and I guarantee that I'll use the experience I have gained this year to make the society even better. 

Throughout my degree, I found myself getting increasingly passionate about intellectual and political history. The more I engage with the changing political and social landscapes of the past, the more I become aware of the pressuring need for change in the present. This change is precisely what the Society for Global Prosperity aims at. 

With our launch event, our goal was to introduce more people to the Institute of Global Prosperity and to its aims. Our guest speakers engaged in an open discussion providing different perspectives on the question of what can we do to change our socio-economic system for the better. We brought together students from all disciplines, and from both an undergraduate and postgraduate level. This immediately made us one of the most diverse societies at UCL, stimulating debate by bringing together different viewpoints. 

This is what I hope the society will achieve in the future: encourage everyone to recognise the need for change, and make us reflect on what approaches we can take. Through activities ranging from panel-talks to guest-speaker events, my hope is for this society to unite people under a common goal: improving our present and future.