Election post


Dear fellow members of the UCL Society for Global Prosperity,

Despite being a new Society, we have a diverse membership of 50% undergraduates and 50%
postgraduates; and as a candidate for the position of President, I am excited
to introduce myself and share my vision for the Society for continuing to cultivate
a culture that is inclusive, forward-thinking, and interdisciplinary.

The Society's speaker events, have brought together like-minded individuals from
various backgrounds, with representatives from the UN, Club of Rome, Lloyds Bank
and the Economic and Social Research Council. This has enabled us to create a
policy-facing, future-orientated vision that prioritises sustainable and
eco-centric solutions to global challenges.

As President, I seek to nurture the Society's internal diversity and external relationships (i.e., UCL Societies and NGOs), and consolidate the innovative and inclusive community that developed in the Society’s first year. I will ensure that the Society’s committee strengthen our relationships with other societies and NGOs, facilitating collaborative efforts towards achieving our goals.

I believe that an interdisciplinary approach is essential to addressing complex global issues, and I am committed to providing a space where students and staff from various disciplines can come together to share ideas and learn from one another.

Finally, the Society's efforts to publish reports and articles are integral to advancing our
goals. As President, I will support and encourage our members to contribute