Election post


I am writing to express my interest in the role of Treasurer for our society. As someone who is passionate about our society and its cultural relevance, I'm confident that I can contribute through my strengths in analytical thinking, trustworthiness, and effective communication.

Having served as a course representative in my first year, I've cultivated key skills that align with the requirements for this position. I understand the necessity of liaising with stakeholders, a skill I honed while communicating students needs to course organisers. In organizing gatherings, I've learnt to plan and coordinate budgets, ensuring all expenses were kept within our means.

My primary objective would be to maintain the budget of our society. I aim to utilize my analytical thinking to maintain a constant, quantifiable overview of our spending and to anticipate potential costs that might arise. Trustworthiness is an indispensable quality for this role, and I will handle our society’s finances with integrity and transparency. I understand the value of the funds we receive, and I'm committed to collaborating with all members whenever expenses are incurred and working together to manage spending.

Our Russian Society has a proud history of engaging events, and I look forward to being part of it. I'll make it my responsibility to ensure our financial resources are managed well, allowing us to focus on our main goal – promoting Russian culture and fostering a sense of community amongst members.