Election post


Hey Hey! 

I'm Laura and I'd like to be your Competition Captain! (eeeeeee I hate writing things like this so please imagine a really great introduction).

Previous Experience which means I would be good at this (hopefully!!):

4 Years of Competitive Cheerleading! (I learnt so much during this time, partially down to the fact that I had ex-army coaches who took things veryyy seriously; but besides that I walked away with a good set of tricks and tips for making routines which literally won world level competitions (google 'Zodiac Allstars Shadow' if you want to have a look!))

LPV Intermediate 1st Place (I learnt soooo much in the process of making polishing my routine (e.g. the importance of musicality and choreographing through freestyle...); as well as loads from watching other peoples choreographing and practise styles and from working with Isabel!!) 

4+ Years of Pole (this means that I have quite wide understanding of different tricks and performance styles; so regardless of what you want to perform or how you want to do it; I might have some tips n ideas!!)

Gap Year working in Events Hospitality (this has given me a skills set for organising big events which should be helpful when if comes to actually organising competitions)


I'm ready to put in the hours! Can't wait to organise some great events and help polish and curate routines to make you guys look your very best!! We're going to make this year the best year for UCL Pole yet, `Kings Won't Know What Hit Them!!