Election post


Over the years I spent at UCL, the society has offered me more than just a space to train, it has given me a home, life-long friendships, and a safe and supportive environment to experiment with movement and explore different styles of dancing. Now, it's my time to give back and help to continue making the society a welcoming, inclusive, and empowering space for everyone. I am especially interested in what the society does to support our local community and important causes and I know that, by joining committee as a Charity and Outreach Officer, I would be able to use my experience with safeguarding, outreach, and charity work to ensure that we continue to make a difference. So please vote for me! If you can't quite picture who I am, I am the girl with long hair and minimal clothing who always tells everyone how great they're doing and take the best pictures from the most flattering angles! I also hosted the Bloomsbury Spring Showcase so you know how fun I am ;)