Election post


Hi, I'm Hannah! I have been part of the Horse riding club and a member of the 2nd competition team since the beginning of this year. During my time as part of the team I have made new friends, wonderful memories and have learnt many things. 

I am standing for the role of treasurer because I believe myself to be an organized, responsible and dedicated part of the Horse Riding Club, and I would like to be a part of its further development. I would also like to be part of the Horse Riding Club's committee as it would allow me to meet more like minded people and learn new skills. 

As I have been part of both the club and the 2nd competition team, I am well suited to understand and fulfil all the needs of this club as well as help it flourish over the next years. 

I hope you vote for me as your Horse Riding Club Treasurer as I am committed to making the club and its members my priority and would love to make new memories surrounded by friends and horses.