Election post


My first initiation to UCLWHC was tour so I can apply myself very well to this position. Tour is a pretty intimidating experience, but the welcoming environment that the WHC brought meant I thoroughly enjoyed myself and had an unforgettable experience. I am organised and proactive, so I can create a fun and inclusive experience for all those involved. With effective communication, I will make sure people are always well-informed about tour in advance so that no one ever feels intimidated by the cost/deadlines. I will have been a part of hockey for two years and this puts me in a great position to write the rules, making sure everyone gets involved and meets new people, but also I know the boundaries people are comfortable with. I can liaise with the tour company and get the best deals for us as I have experience talking to companies/professionals following my pub manager role, and in getting internships. I also would greatly enjoy creating tour kit so that everyone knows We Went On Tour: tour water bottles or trackies? In being tour sec, you share elements of many different committee roles and I think I have the skills to apply myself to every aspect. Having themed nights is a great way to create enthusiasm to continue the hockey environment beyond Term 1 & 2 - I know we all miss it no matter how much we lament Scala...

It would mean a lot to me to have a position on committee as I love this club and would be honoured to have a position to improve it.