Election post


Joining the hockey 4s team was a highlight of my first year for sure. I met so many amazing people and going to the training and the matches (and the socials of course) is always so much fun. Next year I want to be the 4s captain so that my teammates and the new hockey freshies have the same great experience as I did. I think I would be a good captain because:

  • I have an experience of being captain of a hockey team as I was one back in Paris. This has allowed me to develop leadership and communication skills which are very useful to be a good captain
  • I also think that my experience is an advantage for the 4s team as I know how hockey works, I scored at least one goal in every match we played, and I can transmit my experience to the new beginners next year. I mean it is obvious that next year we will win the LUSL league in which we placed third this year
  • I am also very organised, and I know how to make free time for this sport, I attended all the matches this year, even the 9 am Sunday matches where I was still drunk from the night before. And we can say that missing Scala and Phineas is not an option for me
  • I am also really easy to talk to and I like having everyone involve in the team. I will organise social events for the team so that everyone can feel included

I have learned so much from Nandini this year on how to be a great captain for this team and I will try my best to follow her example to keep 4s as much fun as it was this year.