Election post


One of my first memories with our football crew includes banana peels, throwing it down on a DJ set, and the coolest people. What a night to remember. So, I can confidently say that UCLWFC socials very much so contribute to the goals we score, all because of our ✨team chemistry✨ that we build through our (drinking) games.

My extensive hosting events experience includes throwing crease-themed American parties with white claws and hosting classy wine and dine evenings. As for attendance experience, I have gone to some pretty bonkers football social events this year (thanks Livi and Becca <3). Safe to say I'm experienced in all things events. I will also definitely prioritize food at all our socials because we are growing people that need to stay well-nourished to perform. 

If I get the honor to be social sec with the sweetest person on our team, miss Lois, we can guarantee we will show up. Who knows what will go down this year…

But with two crazy gyals like us organizing your football events, you can be sure that they will be nights to remember (or not) xx