Election post


I am standing for Welfare Officer because I think FilmSoc has the potential to be a very inviting and exciting society, even more than it is now, and I think I can help with this. This year, I have been a part of 10 films in a range of roles from BTSphotographer to director, so I have had a lot of experience with the society, and have seen the areas where I believe it needs improving. As W.O, my main priority would be to make FilmSoc a more inviting place (not just for the FilmBros!!). Being heavily involved with FemFilm this year, it has been made clear to me how many people want to get involved in FilmSoc/filmmaking but have felt too intimidated and excluded. I would champion FemFilm to happen again every term next year (we had 50+ applications and raised £2000, so there is a lot of support for it). I would organise more networking events since these are really beneficial for people who don't know how to get involved, or feel too scared to go straight for crew applications. I'd like to do monthly drop-ins, where people can come and chat to me about whatever. I will make sure sets and socials are safe and happy places, where everyone feels respected, listened to, trained-up and able to have a GOOD TIME, because that’s what making films at uni is about. Overall, I think I am a kind, smiley and friendly person, who is very approachable and not at all intimidating (I'm 5'4). I really love people so I would really like the role of making sure everyone feels happy and safe :D