Election post


The reason why I am applying for this position is because as a PIR student and a proud member and supporter of the European Union I am extremely invested in creating a stronger connection between the members specifically. I am certain that becoming part of it will offer me many opportunities to create a networking base both with fellow members, as well as our guests. Moreover, I have taken part in some of European Horizon Society’s academic events before and I would love to take part in its organization committee both because I want to develop my skills and my experience in working in this field for the future, as well as because I am a responsible, focused and passionate person. Another reason I would like to become part of the commitee as a welfare officer is because I want to have the opportunity to contribute to the success of this society by having more invested members and organizaing even more events by collaborating with our fellow societies from the Bentham Brooks Institute for more projects and activities.

I am also an elected Academic Events Officer for the International Relations society, therefore I am capable of ensuring the members of the European Horizons Society of a respectful representation of the principles it stands in an inclusive and involved manner.