Election post


Hello everyone!

I'm standing to be the next treasurer of the EISPS Society as I've found the society to provide some of the most valuable support in settling in to UCL, the department and my programme. I'm keen to be a part of expanding the society and developing the opportunities we have.

I'm specifically standing for the treasurer role as I have a lot of previous experience in dealing with funding and fundraising in other capacities such as doing voluntary youth consultancy for local government and being the Fundraising Officer on the executive committee of European Youth Parliament UK. I think it would be interesting to use this experience of different organisational working to enhance the funding position of the society.

If elected, from both a general and funding point of view I would like to support the increasing of frequency of events next year, particularly socials, to help increase the sense of community we create. As well as this, I'd like to continue and expand on the great careers and academic work through the events this year and continue to ensure we have interesting and diverse guests and topics. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my nomination and I hope you consider me in placing your vote.

If you have any questions, queries or concerns feel free to reach out via my Instagram @leahblxck