Election post


Hi guys! I’d love to be your next scheduling officer to help give back to Dance Soc! After being involved in every show as well as competitions in my first year, I’ve become familiar with all the society has to offer. I would be so excited to help bring all these events to life by coordinating rehearsal spaces. I do many styles of dance, so I know the need for well-suited rehearsal spaces, especially tap (I promise I’ll try my best to book rooms with hard floors :)). 

I’m a very organised person, and with several experiences leading initiatives and organisations, I am sure I would be a responsive and effective scheduling officer and producer for one of our amazing shows! I have also had lots of experience in communications, from being director of communications/journalism at a non-profit organisation to being student rep and leading a UCL ChangeMakers project, I’m very comfortable with responding to high volumes of messages and emails! I also only have 1 lecture per week at the start of second term so will be extremely available (and probably desperate for work to do) when room bookings get hectic with Blooms, Triple Bill, and competitions just around the corner! I’m a really friendly and approachable person, so would have no problem keeping in contact with choreographers and dancers to ensure everyone gets the best rehearsal spaces for them.

Thank you so much for your consideration!