Election post


Hi there! I’m Alba and am the current interim treasurer of the Yoga Society but would like to be officially elected!

I have always been curious about yoga since I tried it out in a PE class back in high school. It wasn’t until last year, when uni went back to normal after the pandemic that I finally joined the Yoga Society. It is safe to say it was a pretty good decision as it brought peace and grounding during stressful times.

During exam season last year, I had been thinking about running for this year's committee but never actually nominated myself. It turns out no one was elected for treasurer which meant the society was at risk of being disaffiliated :/ Therefore, I grabbed the opportunity and I am so glad I did.

Since I have been committee member, I have been involved in the further development of society and meet lots of great people with common interests.

I believe I am suitable as treasurer as I’m determined, (overly) organised and know my way around numbers (big up engineering!). This is my second year being part of the society so I believe I understand and can fulfil it’s needs.

I hope you vote for me as your Yoga & Meditation Club Treasurer as I am committed on improving the club and making sure all yogis have fun and can look back on their time with us with fond memories.