Election post


Hi guys!! My name is Ava and I’ve been a part of yoga society since the beginning of last year. I’ve been attending classes almost weekly and I honestly love it, as well as attending the social events and meeting so many friendly people. I’m running for outreach officer because I would love to increase the number of social events in the society to help people get to know each other better. Some ideas I have in mind include pub crawls, brunches, and also starting up the yoga families again with fortnightly coffee meet-ups. I would also love to have more social events with other societies. I really liked the event we did with callisthenics society last year where we had two sessions to try out each other’s sports; I would love to organise similars events with other sports societies like climbing society and volleyball society. Another idea I also have for the society is having a couple of yoga sessions a year which are open to all members of the students union which could raise money for a chosen charity. I hope you guys vote for me!

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