Election post


I want this year to be super social. What better way to do that than become social sec?

I would love to host/organise socials and make going to sportsnight/other events a bigger thing with structure + organisation so more people are likely to turn up. (Plus last week’s sportsnight was super fun and I want to get to know more people in volleyball!)

Why I would be good for the role:

- Previous involvement on commitees (welfare rep for RUMS, Paediatrics events coordinator)

- I have organised conferences, talks and events such as welfare week (we brought in dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs + other cute animals!)

- I am a 4th year student and know a few social secs that I can ask for advice!

Things I will implement:

- Tour!!! I am adamant that I will make tour happen this year for volleyball. 

- Make sportsnight/other socials a bigger thing.

- Fun/chill events like bowling/movie nights (could even binge haikyuu together ?)


- Themed socials!

- Joint socials with other clubs (especially a sportsday-style event where we can try out other sports)

- Sober events for those that don’t like to drink (e.g. a board games night)

- A joint social sec position just like the two HEVOs, would be great! Lucy Garside mentioned she would be open for the position! I am also very open for others to suggest ideas/help out too! :)