Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Kapil and I'd like to be your next Communications officer for our farm. ? 

As your Communications officer, I will publicise events and handle our farm's social media. As the head editor of my sixth form's magazine, I was responsible for managing its blog and Instagram handle. Thus, I have experience in managing social media for a society. This experience has prepared me to be the next Communications officer for Bentham's Farm. ?‍?

Other reasons you should vote for me:

1. I am a relentless extrovert and will consciously and subconsciously promote our little farm and get more people involved! ? 

2. I make funny posts and come up with (occasionally corny) captions so I can increase engagement on our Instagram. ? 

3. Additionally, I live at Ifor Evans Hall so I live approximately 20 seconds away from the farm. In case there are any plant-based emergencies, I will be the first responder! ?

I hope you vote for me as your next Communications officer! Feel free to message me at @kapil._.abhyankar on Instagram if you want to get in touch with me. ?