Election post


Hellooo everyone! My name is Lily and I am thrilled at the opportunity to become your potential events officer! :D

As a first-year Politics and International Relations student, I have a consistent interest in international affairs and would love to share this to everyone — which is why I want to run for UNA’s events officer, to organise insightful academic events and chill socials so we can all make great friends who share our interests.

While I'm very interested in but relatively new to MUNs, my experience in events organising dates back to high school, where I hosted events as school prefect. This journey continues as I worked in the Events Division of an academic based society at LSE this summer, and more significantly — I worked as an interim events officer at UNA!

During my interim journey, I have conducted outreaches and coordinated a speaker event, while gaining insight of working as a committee member and had some ideas in mind for future events prior to what we already have:


- UN institutions, including trips to the ones outside UK

- Think Tanks

Speaker Events:

- UN/Diplomacy/NGO career talks

- More talks relating to hot topics

- Events in debate format


- Intercollegiate socials with other London universities (Socials+MUN sessions)

(I would also love to hear from all of you and get to know YOUR preferences on potential events!)

I will be truly honored to have your votes and your support will be instrumental in transforming these ideas into reality✨

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