Election post


Hello, my name is Melisa Ucer, and I am excited to nominate myself for the position of Inclusivity Officer. I was born and raised in London, but my roots trace back to Turkey, specifically Izmir, where both of my parents are from.

Despite being born in London, I was immersed in the Turkish language and culture from a young age. Turkish was my first language, and I later learned English at school, allowing me to have a deep understanding of both cultures. Growing up in a Turkish household in London has given me a unique perspective on bridging the gap between different cultures and communities. I believe my background equips me with the empathy and understanding needed to connect with our Turkish friends who have been raised abroad and help integrate diverse perspectives within our community. I am passionate about fostering inclusivity and creating a supportive environment for everyone, regardless of their background or language.

I have been involved in the society since February and have assisted the committee on various occasions therefore I know I will fit right in.

I look forward to working with rest of the committee and being your Inclusivity Officer.