Election post


Hey, I’m Lucie and I’m currently a Communication Secretary for UCL Tennis! Being part of the committee this past year has truly been a pleasure❤️. I got to meet and become friends with so many amazing and bright people. The committee really outdid themselves and delivered another marvellous year of activities, trainings and charity events. I am proud to say that I also played a part.

Being a communication secretary gave me the creative outlet, that I needed to get away from my studies. I really enjoyed (and still enjoy!) making posts and I am quite good at what I do, if I may say so myself! At the beginning of this academic year we managed to hit 2k followers and now, as I am currently writing this, we have 2945 followers❗️. Tennis continues to be one of the biggest societies and I cherish being able to communicate with the rest of you through Instagram.


UCL Tennis is the most lively, friendly and homelike society that I have ever been part of and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone ☺️. I hope to maintain that same warm and inviting environment, that encompasses the society.


Vote for me if you want to see me as your comm sec next year. I promise to be fully committed and I will ensure that our society continues thriving! 💜🎾💪