Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Matthew and I'm your interim President and Fitness Captain for the UCL Swimming Club.

After being elected as VP last year and stepping up to be interim President I have a vast swathe of swimming, club and Union experience. In my role as one of the Fitness Captains last year and this year I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know our swimmers and increase their confidence and ability in the water. This has given me a fantastic insight into our swimmers needs. 

As the cost of living crisis strikes I believe it is essential for a President to listen and give honest and pragmatic solutions to both our squads about our club's future. This balance of fiscal responsibility and swimmer-orientated focus is what I believe will bring us through this crisis together.

Ultimately, we need more money, and then we need to use that money to get more pool time. In Term 1 our fantastic Committee has focused hard on delivering everything that is possible to our swimmers, both competitive and fitness and my goal as President would be to continue on that path of growth.

Practically, I would also be suited for the role as I have already undergone all the Union training required to be a President and have built a network of Union colleagues and sponsors which is absolutely essential to further the success of our Club.

I do hope that you can trust in me and our amazing Committee to improve our wonderful club over the coming year and for many years to come!