Election post


1. Amplifying Outreach:

I'll use captivating content and visuals across platforms to expand our reach. One of my aims is to make the advertising as eye appealing as it can be so that it sparks an interest in the viewers. This includes appropriately representing underrepresented ethnic groups in the field of surgery on our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. 

2. Cultivating Engagement:

I'll facilitate member interaction through advertisement of live sessions, workshops, and discussions. This could be through having interactive stories in our social media, as well as consistently posting and collaborations with people/organisations who you may find useful to know about. 

3. Transparency and Accountability:

I'll ensure open communication and value member feedback. Your feedback is valuable for us to improve the way we structure our posts!


With your support, as a media officer for Surgical Society my aim will be to foster improved communication, education, and collaboration.


Preferred pronouns