Election post


Hi, I’m Nikki, a third-year medical student running for the role of Innovation Chair. My innovation journey began in school, achieving the Crest Engineering Award for designing an antibiotic resistance measurement device. Since then, I’ve expanded upon my experiences, solidifying my zeal for innovation. My diverse background as a medical student currently pursuing a mathematics and computers iBSc, uniquely equips me with a strong foundation in medicine and technology. A notable experience of mine is having been awarded the Rani Rawji Studentship, where I’ve been part of a research team at the UCL Cancer Institute, investigating bone cancer. This experience underscores my active participation in innovative projects and commitment to research, having gained knowledge in various scientific sectors. One of my primary goals in this role is to organise interdisciplinary workshops uniting engineers, computer scientists, and doctors. These workshops will offer hands-on exposure to cutting-edge technologies, such as demos in using robotic surgical systems, VR-based surgery simulations, and coding/data analysis learning opportunities. I hope to bridge gaps between these distinctive disciplines, fostering novel perspectives amongst both students and professionals. In summary, I’m deeply passionate about this intersection between medicine, technology and surgery and this position hence offers an ideal platform to translate this passion into tangible benefits to the society.

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