Election post


I’m currently a second year medical student who has been attempting to learn sign language for a few years through books and online resources. Whilst in sixth form, I felt that there was a lack of content within the curriculum about deaf awareness although it was very relavent. This area of learning is needed to enrich our awareness of the community and to promote inclusivity. 

Through Sign Language society, I have been able to develop a better understanding of deaf awareness that I found hard to explore on my own. With the society’s group, in person session, I have improve my BSL vocabulary and have had a chance to practice through conversations.

I believe that a welfare officer needs to have good communication skills and be approachable within the society. Previously, I was a language leader within my school where I listened to any problems that younger students faced with their curriculum and voiced these at termly meetings with the student support team. Through this experience, I have learnt the importance of being present and approachable for all year groups so that if they had anything to talk about, they would have someone to talk to. With this role, I hope to connect with fellow students by listening to any concerns and providing relevant services to make sure that all queries are answered. I hope to be a link between the community and the members so that we can bring to attention any areas of the society that need improving or any suggestions for future workshops.