Election post


Hi, I’m Chiara and I’m a second year running for Shakespeare Company President! This society means a lot to me, it is where I rediscovered my love for Shakespeare, made incredible friends (and is why I started sneaking into my co-director’s Shakespeare lectures)

Over this past year I have been involved in theatre across UCL, from assistant directing the Greek Play, acting in Hero and Leander last year, to co-directing measure for measure this year. These experiences have been invaluable in teaching me what theatre-makers at UCL need to flourish. I believe that the blend of academic exploration and theatrical and creative expression is the magic of this society and as Shakespeare Company president I will endeavour to ensure that the society fulfils both these interests.

I want people to have the opportunity to engage with Shakespeare in as many ways as possible, whether that be through workshops, socials, or making theatre. As part of this, I will establish collaborative ties with UCL academics, to coordinate workshops and forums that encompass both the theatrical and academic. I also hope to organise a Shakespeare festival, with performances of and inspired by his works. Additionally, I want to engage with the opportunities we have in London, like play watches and tours at the Globe (candle-lit Othello!)

Finally, I am committed to making this society as inclusive as possible. So that everybody, no matter their knowledge or experience with Shakespeare, can get involved.

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