Election post


This will be my fourth and final year with Sexpression (because I am graduating, not because I wouldn't love to stay! 😭) and my third year running as co-Training Officer. I believe it is imperative that all students, regardless of course of study, has the opportunity to be a part of something as meaningful as Sexpression, and that is why running the training for our volunteers is so important to me! Unfortunately, our previously elected Training Officer did not share these views and the values of the society and as such myself and Deena have needed to step up and fill the gap as interim co-Training Officers. Whilst being Training Officer wasn't in the original plan, I'm sure I speak for both myself and Deena when I say that running training is so much fun and very rewarding! It is a lovely opportunity to meet our newest influx of volunteers and I enjoy the opportunity to engage in some really interesting discourse and challenging questions. Hope to see you all at training again soon! - Iqra :)

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