Election post


As one of the writers and illustrators of my high school’s science magazine, I am confident and passionate about taking up a leadership role in the UCL Science Magazine Society. I enjoyed researching and being part of the editing and revising process in order to publish the best version of my own article. Seeing the Science Magazine Society as a newly established society, I am eager to promote the magazine and society to a wider audience because it is not only an amazing platform to share intriguing bits of science but also gathers like-minded individuals to share knowledge and experiences. With the experience of publishing articles and witnessing how a magazine is brought together through dedication, I am well prepared to the responsibilities of an IT and Marketing representative. I am responsible and diligent, and as house official, class representative, biochemistry club founder, etc. during high school, I developed good communication and time management skills. I enjoy working in a team, especially alongside my talented seniors. Moreover, as an artistic person, I taught myself to use CANVA and Procreate, which gives me a leg up to publish eye-catching and appealing content for the society’s Instagram page. Being a IT and Marketing representative allows me to utilize my strengths to promote this society to a larger community, and as my diligence and perfectionism push me to perform to the best of my ability, I am excited to take on and commit to this new responsibility.

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