Election post


Hi everyone!

My name's Diya Asawa and I'm studying Biomedical Sciences at UCL - I'd like to apply for the position of First Year Rep.

As a First Year Rep, I would love to help recruit a stronger community of first year student writers and designers, especially students who are keen to contribute but feel as if they don’t have enough experience within science/scientific communication. Joining a new society as a first-year student can feel daunting, and I hope to decrease any barriers to entry by helping plan and host more fun socials, writing workshops, and peer feedback sessions. 

I have also gained valuable skills working as a Marketing & Resources assistant at my secondary school, where I learnt how to communicate more effectively with both in-house and external professionals to deliver high-quality projects for the school’s external marketing initiatives, whilst meeting strict deadlines. 

Writing is one of my favourite hobbies and I am thrilled to be a member of the UCL Science Magazine this year. I have really enjoyed reading some of the online articles in the magazine since they are engaging and cover important, relevant topics across all three sciences and the growing contribution of technology in scientific advancements. 

I believe that I would be a good First Year Rep for the UCL Science Magazine, since I enjoy meeting and collaborating with new people and would like to use my role to help the society achieve its goals and implement new initiatives for this year!

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