Election post


Since joining the club earlier this year, I have found an incredible sense of community and belonging. I had no prior experience in any self defence or martial art disciplines, but I still immediately found my place and started learning. 

I am standing for social secretary of the club hoping to foster this incredible community and encorage even more social interactions within it. My goal is not only to make everyone who is already a member feel like they belong here, but also impart that feeling on newcommers, as it was one of the things that kept making me come back.

Specifically, I would like to introduce regular socials that would be as much a part of the club as the training sessions. However, I am also very aware of the fact that university social events often emphasize drinking, which is of course something that not everyone wants to do. I would therefore do my best to ensure a variety of social events, some in pubs, but others in venues that do not encourage the consumption of alcohol.

While this all might seem like an ambitious plan, I believe I have the skills and knowledge necessary to bring it to life. Over my 4 years at UCL, I have held the role of social secretary for two societies (Physics society and Live music society). I have learned  a lot about organising social events, the dos and donts and how to do so as efficiently as possible.

I hope you will give me your vote for social secretary, and of course I hope to see you all at the next session!



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