Election post


Hi! I'm standing for co-Editor in Chief because I think Pi TV has so much potential, I have lots of ideas for potential projects, and I want to test myself in a different field of journalism.  

My ideas:

I would hope to oversee two main changes for Pi TV. First, I think content needs to be released on a far more regular basis. Second, I want Pi TV to be far better integrated with Pi Online.

For example, we could start creating a short, weekly video/podcast that summarises important news from that week and discusses recent Pi articles - and why not add this to the Pi website? We could also have one, more impressive journalistic piece created every term. And of course I would be super open to ideas from Alexia and the team.

My experience:

I have lots of experience writing and editing for student newspapers - I'm currently one of the editors for the Features section of Pi Online.

I have little technical experience with video journalism. That said, I think I would be very useful in an organisational capacity, and I would learn the rest quickly! 

I also imagine my previous role as Head of Speakers at TEDxOxford would have had a lot of overlap with my potential role at Pi TV. It was my responsibility to collaborate with inspiring individuals and help to prepare them to speak at our conference. This involved organising interviews, planning speech ideas, holding rehearsals, and editing drafts/speeches in a non-print format - all of which would be relevant here. 

Staś :) 

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