Election post


Hi everyone! 

I am Kate, a 2nd-year straight physics student from the Czech Republic. My favourite areas of physics are quantum and particle physics. In my free time, I play volleyball for UCL, I learn languages, and drink (most probably) unhealthy amounts of coffee!

Some of you hopefully recognize me from Physics Society events this year, as I attended them as the Interim President (elected VP in June). I hope to become the "permanent" President, as I have really enjoyed leading the society for the past six months! I still have a lot of ideas and things I would like to change to make the society even better for you. I would like to, for example, alter Committee positions, strengthen society's partnerships & sponsorships, increase collaborations with societies from and outside of UCL, have an even greater diversity of events, and much more! Therefore, I hope to gain your vote to have the chance to do all that, but also finish the work the Committee and I began in the summer.

Together with the lovely Committee the Phys Soc has this year, we managed to make the society comparatively more active than last year, which I hope you can feel now already, and we would certainly continue doing so. Our main aim is to connect the physics community at UCL across years as well as expand your knowledge in physics, develop your skills, and help you guide the career world – be it in physics or elsewhere. It would be my great honour to continue Presidenting ;)

Thank you for your vote!

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