Election post


Hi everyone ! My name is Charlotte and I’m a final year International Social and Political student. I joined the photo society over the pandemic and right before my year abroad so I was only able to join in person events this year but I've loved every second of it !

I have felt welcome in every event of the society I attended and I want to make sure that this kind and friendly atmosphere remains a key characteristic of photo soc ! After 3 years at university, I definitely understanding how overwhelming it can get, especially in a city as big as London. On top of discovering new hobbies or perfecting existing ones, I’m a true believer that societies should be our safe space to have some fun -even during the busiest periods! They’re also an amazing way to make friends but it can be dreading joining a new society or attending events when you don’t know anyone. I hope I can be that friendly face that you can come to to chat about anything within the society. This is particularly the case if you are facing any difficulties and challenges - whether they’re inside or outside of photosoc !

I believe that my experience as workshop leader for the SU’s Active Bystander Programme will help me be the best welfare officer I can be ! I have learned a lot about unacceptable behaviour, including sensitive topics, and particularly how to address them. I look forward to using this knowledge to help anyone who needs it and make sure that everyone feels included and safe in the society !