Election post


Hi, my name is Sammy and I’m nominating myself to be one of the film officers. Half a year ago I picked up my dad’s old film camera and have not wanted to put it down since. I would love to share this passion I have with others in the society!

With the costs of film going up and up, I’ve started learning to develop and scan my own film. As film officer, I wish to introduce members to the world of developing, printing, and scanning film. I believe this society is a great way to learn new skills and share ideas, and I think that hands-on workshops concentrating on film would help take the society to a new level. Therefore, my main aim would be to run workshops to learn these skills, and with the addition of the new darkroom, run more experimental workshops for members to play around and learn from others. I believe developing and printing film can seem daunting at first, but with fun, practical workshops, I hope all members can pick up new skills and save money. I would also love to incorporate more film-related photo walks. 

I am quite an outgoing person. This will aid me in contacting darkroom companies and bulk-buying film. On top of this, I hope to encourage more people in the society, who have not yet tried out film photography, to give it a go.

As someone who is still learning about film photography, I am very open to any ideas from anyone about what they would like to see happen!

Finally, my initials are SLR, so I was basically born for this role.