Election post


Having attended a couple of the photowalks and workshops, I have thoroughly enjoyed the activities in the photo society so far. As an avid film photographer, I would like to organise more film-related activities catered to all kinds of photographers as a part of the committee. Whether you are an experienced film photographer, just starting out or peeps who wanna give film photography a try, I will ensure there is something for everyone!

As a film officer I would:

  1. Set up a film podcast/ monthly newsletter- in an interview style with photographers, where they'll share how they got into film photography, their camera setup and mistakes they've made on their journey. Will also be answering some important questions on every beginner's mind (i.e. what camera to get? film suggestions?)
  2. Organise film-themed photowalks where photographers with different experiences can socialise and share tips on choosing their subjects and how to make every frame count
  3. Organise film developing (B&W and colour negative) and darkroom printing workshops 
  4. Work with the Equipment Manager to procure better film scanners or a DSLR scanning set-up
  5. Sell films (mainly B&W and cine film) at below-the-market prices to photo soc members

If you like what I'm planning to do in the upcoming year, please vote for me! Thank you~