Election post


Hey! My name's Sofya, I'm a third year BA Philosophy student. Why am I standing for event officer? Despite the fact that the latest pub quiz has been a success, the overall turnout for the Philosophy event at the beginning of the year left me feeling a bit disappointed. I'd like to change that by introducing more collaboration with other societies such as Film Soc in order to make philosophy both more engaging for many groups of people and accessible for those who do not study philosophy. I'd also like to expand the number of activities within Philsoc, starting with organising an annual ball so that we all can have an opportunity to step back and relax in a more formal (fashion wise) but fun atmosphere. I would also like to organise actual talks and discussion groups for different topics in order to reignite general interest for philosophy in people who don't study it and create a friendlier and less formal environment for discussion for those who do study it.