Election post


The joy which musical theatre creates resonates so strongly with me; not only in the joy of watching, but the joy of collectively creating this most special combination of song, dance and acting. Musical theatre, despite its often total lack of realism, achieves this joy not only through the uplifting messages of belonging and success against adversity which run through almost all musicals, but also through how this art form speaks to us, how somehow singing our problems feels like a much more accurate capturing of raw human emotion. In the middle of the current glorious resurgence in musicals happening mondially on stage and screen, this resonance is being felt much more keenly by all than ever before. Given the existent love for this art form, as freshers rep I wouldn't try and increase musical theatre's popularity to watch, but rather remove the stigma surrounding taking part in it. Especially for men, there seems to be an odd taboo around partaking in musicals, even if one loves them, simply because it combines acting and singing. I want to try and remove the sense that musicals speak to a small part of society, when truly it is one of the most inclusive, entertaining art forms in existence. I attempt to go through life propagating joy, and I see no better way of doing this than through the increased promotion of musical theatre.


Beyond all this, I am also standing because I am a MASSIVE MT nerd!!!