Election post


  The two essentials of an Orchestra manager are commitment and communication. I believe I possess both of these. This year is my second year in SO. Throughout last year I was committed to not missing rehearsals, performing in all the concerts, and regularly helping to pack up. I also took time to get to know other members by going for drinks after rehearsals, and attending Orchestra socials. 

  The Orchestra manager must also communicate clearly and reliably. As musicians, having diverse commitments, many of us have instilled in us the habit of keeping a diary, checking emails, and sending prompt responses. Responsive communication is about showing respect for the time of others, and therefore it will be a top priority for me. 

  Beyond these two necessities I am keen to promote more orchestra socials. As SO enters a new era with a new conductor, we ought to reclaim a fundamental ethos of fun and friendly music making. I would love to foster a culture of theatre trips and casual playing in small ensembles - further suggestions would of course be welcome. 

  Finally, though least important, my motivation to join the Music Society Committee, beyond CV fodder, comes from the value I have taken from being highly involved over the last year. Beyond Orchestra I perform with the Chamber Choir and Concert Band. Far from feeling obliged though, I have loved to be involved. I hope being Orchestra manager will be a way for me to give back to the Society, and to serve the