Election post


My name is Helena, studying German & Philosophy, and you can find me in Symphony Chorus or String Orchestra. 

I believe I'm qualified due to my various experiences: 
- Music Ambassador (5 years)
- Project Nightingale: Treasurer (4y)
- Volunteering Club: PR Officer (3y) 
- Health&Wellbeing Rep (5y) 
- Chamber Choir & Orchestra President (2y)
- House Prefect (1y)
- PhilClub Co-founder (2y)
- Bj Int. Coalition Student Magazine: Head Editor (1y)
- Currently German Dept Academic Rep

As your F&S Officer, I aim to: 
1) Connect with other music societies for inter-uni events.
2) Create partnerships with conservatories and music-related programs, giving you more opportunities to explore/engage in London’s multifaceted music scenes. 
3) Organise Alumni Talks for connections and insights on post-uni life. 
4) Work closely with our Treasurer to organise fundraising events ie Christmas busking/bake sale and Valentines songs. Friendly and approachable, I'm also open to new ideas. 
5) Find new friends for music soc but also become your friend <3

Lastly, as a fresher and international student, I understand how hard it may be to reach out. Thus, I hope to be that touchpoint for you, whether it’s about F&S or in general, I'd love to listen over coffee/cookies. You're not alone. I hope by creating more opportunities for you to branch within and out of UCL’s music sphere, and obtaining £ to fund bonding events, you'll feel more at home in the big music family and gain the most of your time