Election post


Hello, I’m Davide, and I have been part of Museum society committee for over a year. I started off with the role of ‘Marketing officer’, where I had the chance to connect with members through our social media accounts, and since September, I have been president of the society.

I have been responsible for the planning, advertising and participating of multiple events in the past year, and I have enjoyed every minute of it! From museum visits, guided tours, volunteering sessions to social events, I would be grateful to continue taking part in such events, and have the opportunity to lead this society for this academic year.

As president, I value clear and honest communication, a safe and welcoming environment, a space where all ideas can flourish, and an overall inclusive committee, where we take into consideration everyone and their ideas. Due to my experience as President and Marketing officer, coupled with my willingness and commitment to see this society thrive, I believe I can provide Museums society members and committee with the right type of leadership.