Election post


Hi! My name's Diya Asawa and I'm studying Biomedical Sciences. I'm super excited to be a member of UCL MedTech Society and I'd like to apply for the position of Portal Media Officer!

I have really enjoyed reading the MedTech Portal articles since they are engaging and cover relevant topics about the value of technology and AI in healthcare consultations, medical devices/wearables, and imaging. I believe that I have valuable past experience with producing and updating articles on a digital platform through my own newsletter, where I plan, research, and upload self-illustrated articles on interesting topics related to medicine, neuroscience, and more. Here is the link if you’d like to have a look: https://diyaasawa.substack.com/

I recently worked as a Marketing assistant at my secondary school, where I learnt how to communicate more effectively with both in-house and external professionals to deliver high-quality digital projects for the school’s external marketing initiatives, whilst meeting urgent deadlines. Throughout my time in high school, I've helped lead and edit school yearbook teams and scientific/medical magazines - I love reading other people's work and discussing the topics that they are interested about. 

I believe that I would be a good portal media officer since I enjoy collaborating with different students and learning more from industry professionals/guest speakers, and I always try my best to complete tasks on time.

Thanks for your consideration!

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