Election post


My name is Jiarui, you may also know me as Jay, a second year Biomedical Sciences student. I was drawn to MEDLIFE through the inspiring stories of the SLT last year and it reminded me of my own experiences volunteering, as such, I can’t wait to join everyone for the 2023 SLT.


I have been working with the MEDLIFE committee for a few months now as an interim volunteering officer. During this short time, I have helped organise:

  • A collaboration with # zero food waste, a student lead volunteering initiative.


  • A pizza social.


I am currently in the process of planning a charity raffle event to gather funds for the SLT which, if successful, will alleviate financial burden for everyone wishing to take part. However, there is no rule stating MEDLIFE is only permitted one fundraiser per term, so be prepared for more chances to get involved :)