Election post


Hello everyone, I am Sirine Bhouri, a second year Biomedical Engineering student and I am nominating myself for the role of welfare officer within the Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering society! ^_^ 


Having been a member of MPBE society for the past few months, I really enjoyed being part of such a vibrant, ambitious, and empowering society and I believe I have what it takes to occupy the position of welfare officer. 


First, I have experience with this role as two years ago, I was the welfare officer of a small start-up. From organising events and activities to promote team-building and effective team work to liaising with the members and being a point of contact for anyone who needed to discuss a specific concern, I have learnt a lot about the duties and responsibilities of a welfare officer.


Additionally, I have occupied various other committee positions in the past and all of these experiences have enhanced my teamwork, leadership and communication skills. These will help me, I am certain, ensure that our society represents a respectful and positive environment for everyone.


Finally, having been the society’s interim welfare officer for the past two months, I already know what is expected from me and I am well aware of the work that needs to be done.


All in all, I am extremely motivated for this role and my experiences/positions as well as my hardworking nature make me adamant that I am a fit for it! ^_^