Election post


I hope to bring my experience with organising events in the past to the Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Society. I also have excellent rapport with most members of the current committee and believe that I could serve as the position of Assistant Vice President while smoothly functioning within the current framework of the society.

I am also very passionate about the healthcare and have some ideas, especially when it comes to outreach and networking within the industry. I would strive to make available more volunteering and internship opportunities for students within the society, not just from within our departments but also for other students who may have transferable skills from other degrees but are passionate about Biomedical Engineering.

I believe that the Assistant Vice President should serve as a contact point between the members and the higher management and would hence, be available at most times to members who have ideas, suggestions and feedback. I also hope to increase participation and membership events within the society and hope that fellow members within the society find me worthy of holding this position.