Election post


Since arriving at UCL I have had the pleasure of attending a number of Mature Society social events and have met some interesting people.  In particular, I have also met the current officers, Christopher Johnson and Colleeen Jones, and want to support the work they have started with the Society, that they continue to do. 

I have just started at UCL and am studying for an MA Archaeology. I join as a 55 year old who has just left a 30+ year corporate career in marketing and communications. I really see the need that the Mature Society has for people like me, as well as those who are younger, but still above undergraduate age. I was surprised that the Society is so new with more and more older people coming into higher education. I beleive that the Society should act as a central resource for meeting like minded people, providing peer help and guidance as well as a sense of fun. It should aim to do a few things well.

By standing as President I hope to be able to work alongside other officers of the Society to enhance engagement and activities among members. I also aim to be visible among the membership.  In this way I believe I can make a difference.