Election post


Hey everyone, I’m Alistair – a 4th year Engineering student and the current interim House Band Director, and I would love for you to vote for me and make my position in the committee official! I’ve been working alongside Sam to run the auditions for the band and organise the rehearsals for the incredibly successful Halloween gig, and with a number of opportunities for the house band on the horizon, I’ll make sure that we are sounding as good as ever. Alongside this, I will provide opportunities for the house band to play in more external events, because as fun as Mully’s is, it would be good to add some variety lol.

Anyway, I would love to get your vote as I have put a lot of hard work into this role already, but at the same time I have enjoyed every minute of it. Meeting and rehearsing with the talented people in house band is never a chore and I hope that I can keep doing so for the rest of this year!