Election post


Hi - I'm Maya one of the current Head Tech Officers! I've been holding this position as an interim, and have been around to help tech most of the gigs so far this year and have really enjoyed doing so. As someone who really enjoys music tech, and has had so much fun over the past month I would love to be able to continue holding the role! 

If elected, I would (continue to) work on improving the kit that LM already owns. I would also create opportunities for more people to learn about music tech, whether through one-off teaching (although, knowing me, more like rambling) about mixing and setting up at gigs or through organizing formal workshops. Through this, I hope to work towards creating an environment where more people feel excited and comfortable about learning the tech that goes behind all the performances LM puts on.

Despite having only held this role for a short while, it has really pushed me to learn more about music technology, and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue! :)